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During the first three months of pregnancy, the fetus is very vulnerable. One in ten pregnancies ends in a spontaneous miscarriage. This is usually accompanied by large blood loss and cramping abdominal pain.

In some instances, a pregnancy without a heartbeat is detected during the ultrasound. If this is the case, the treatment options will be discussed with you. You can wait until the body rejects the fetus on its own, or a referral to the gynaecologist is also possible.

A miscarriage can have a profound, emotional impact on you, and on your partner, and on your family. We are there for you and will always keep in touch with you after a miscarriage has been diagnosed.

If you have a miscarriage twice in a row, there is the option of further investigation into the cause, for example by chromosome testing for you and your partner. We will discuss the options with you and refer you to the hospital.

More information about a miscarriage can be found on this website:

Help with processing

Processing the grief that comes with a miscarriage takes time and many conversations with people around you. Sometimes professional help is good for you and your partner. Our recommendations: