Do you not want to become pregnant (for now)? We are happy to discuss which contraception is right for you.
The contraceptive method that suits you best is a personal choice, and it also depends on the situation you find yourself in. For example, you may no longer wish to become pregnant, you may want to have children again in the future, or if you are breastfeeding etc.. Depending on the reason, the choice of contraceptive will be different.
If you opt for a spiral or implanon, you can have it placed at our practice. Even if you have never been pregnant, or if you are not known at our practice, you are very welcome. After placing the spiral, we immediately make an ultrasound so that you know if the spiral is in the right place.
Types of IUD’s
An IUD (intrauterine device) is a very reliable form of contraception that can be combined with breastfeeding. It is a small T-shaped device that's put into your womb (uterus). You can contact us for either the placement, or the removal. When you call for an appointment, we will first discuss in detail with you which spiral suits you best. There are two types of IUDs: the copper IUD and the hormone IUD.
A copper IUD is a hormone-free contraception and gradually releases a little copper. Copper paralyzes the sperm cells entering the uterus and makes them inactive so that fertilization cannot take place. The spiral also makes the endometrium unsuitable for the implantation of a possibly fertilized egg. We install the T-Safe, it is very reliable and registered for ten years of use. Of course you can also have a copper IUD placed for a shorter period, for example, between two pregnancies.
The hormone IUD ensures that the mucus in the cervix becomes 'tougher', making it more difficult for sperm cells to pass through. In addition, ovulation is sometimes suppressed, and the endometrium becomes unsuitable for the implantation of a possibly fertilized egg. The Mirena coil is very reliable and has been registered for six years of use. Of course you can also have this IUD placed for a shorter period, for example, between two pregnancies. The smaller version of the hormonal IUD with fewer hormones is the Kyleena.
Placing the spiral
Before we place the spiral, you will receive extensive information from us. This is already possible during pregnancy, during the maternity bed or after check-up. We can also provide the information during a free telephone consultation. An IUD can be placed from 10 weeks after delivery. If you have never given birth, we prefer to place the IUD during your period, because your cervix is then slightly open. That makes installation easier. Have you already had one or more births? Then placing the IUD will usually go smoothly, because your cervix is a bit more flexible.
Sometimes placing is unfortunately not possible. We only notice this when measuring the uterus. A new attempt may be possible. If not, we will refer you to the gynaecologist.
You must bring the IUD with you for the placement, after you have received a prescription from us. You must not be pregnant or have an STD during the placement. If you are not sure whether you could have an STD, have this tested by your doctor before you have an IUD placed.
The appointment takes about 20 minutes. We start with an ultrasound to check the position of your uterus. We then measure the length of the uterus and place the IUD. The placement can be sensitive, so you can choose to take two paracetamol or one ibuprofen about an hour beforehand. An ultrasound will be performed immediately after placement. We also make an appointment for a check-up after 6 weeks, or after at least one menstrual period. During this follow-up check, we check that the IUD is still in place and that you have no complaints. Then you can occasionally check whether you can still feel the threads.
It is normal to experience abdominal cramps or a nagging feeling in the lower abdomen after a spiral insertion. You may also have daily blood loss for the first 2 months. After this time, it will gradually decrease. However, it can take up to a year before the body is used to the IUD.
Removal of an IUD
Removing an IUD is a simple procedure. With a duckbill and special pliers, the spiral is removed by means of the strings. You will be fertile again immediately after the IUD has been removed. A new IUD can be placed immediately after removal, if requested.
The Implanon NXT is also called the contraceptive rod. It is a rod that can be compared to a match: about 4cm long and 2mm wide. The rod is placed in the upper arm, just under the skin. You cannot see the rod, but you can feel it. The rod works by continuously releasing a small dose of the hormone progestogen into your bloodstream to prevent pregnancy. The Implanon ensures that ovulation is inhibited, that the endometrium is difficult to penetrate for sperm cells and that a fertilized egg cannot implant in the endometrium. Because the rod is in your arm, there is no 'stop week'. Therefore, you cannot not influence your period. Your period cycle may change due to the rod, and in some cases, you may not have a period at all. This form of contraceptive remains effective for 3 years.
You can also use the Implanon when you are breast-feeding. This means that if you have just given birth, you can have the Implanon placed about 4 weeks after the birth.
If you make an appointment for the placement, you will receive the prescription from us, with which you can pick up the Implanon at the pharmacy. You take this with you to the appointment. As a first step, the skin is numbed so that you do not feel anything from the placement. Then the Implanon is placed between the upper arm muscles, just under the skin.
In the first 3 months (and sometimes after) the menstrual pattern can change, or you can suffer from headaches, acne, breast tenderness or weight gain.

If you have supplementary insurance for contraception, your IUD or Implanon will often be reimbursed by your insurer. Both the Mirena hormone coil and the Kyleena hormone coil cost approximately €150 and can be collected from your pharmacy with a prescription issued by us. A T-safe copper IUD costs €78 and the Implanon costs €117. Ask your health insurance provider whether the placement and possible removal of an IUD is reimbursed. Placing (including follow-up) or removing costs €73.35 (rate 2023).